The Ultimate Guide To Becoming an Amazon Associate
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Is it easy to become an Amazon Associate?
No doubt, it’s a common question that comes to anyone who is thinking about starting affiliate marketing with Amazon.
People are more likely to be Amazon Associates as Amazon is the most popular affiliate program and offers heaps of benefits for affiliate marketers. Joining the program is absolutely free. Along with that, Amazon gives you a chance to grow quickly because according to 2021 research, it’s proven that 92% of shoppers more likely to buy from Amazon than other e-commerce sites.
Getting started on your journey with the Amazon affiliate program is quite simple and straightforward, in this article we will show you how to become an Amazon affiliate from signing up to promoting your affiliate link. So let’s get started.
What is the Amazon affiliate program?
Amazon affiliate program, also known as Amazon Associate, is an affiliate program that is run by Amazon. It allows website owners, influencers, YouTubers, and bloggers, to earn Amazon affiliate commissions by promoting Amazon products on their sites. Almost 58.5% of affiliate marketers use Amazon to monetize their content. Here’s how it works:
Sign up: Any individual and business can sign up for the program through the Amazon Associate website. To get started first, you have to sign up for the program.
Create link: Once you get approval, you can create an affiliate link for any Amazon product. All these affiliate links have different tracking codes.
Promote products: After creating your affiliate links, to promote products place these links on your websites, blogs, social media posts, or any other platforms. You have to promote products as the way people are encouraged to click and purchase the products.
Earn commission: If you are done with the above things, now it’s time to earn a commission for every purchase made through your affiliate links. When any customers click on your affiliate links and buy anything from the Amazon store, you will get a commission depending on the product category.
The Amazon Associate program has become a very popular choice among affiliate marketers, as Amazon is a trusted brand and leverages a vast product selection.
Amazon associate program rules and requirements
Amazon associate program has some specific rules and requirements, which you must obey if you join the program. Here are some key points:
- Disclose yourself as an Amazon affiliate
- Provide quality content and avoid prohibited content
- Only promote approved products
- Follow linking and using trademark guidelines
- Generate first 3 sales within 180 days
- Correctly display the product price
- Know the promotional limitations
- Maintain customer trust
- Compliance with Amazon laws
Check out the blog, to get a detailed idea about Amazon associate program rules and requirements.
How to become an Amazon Associate
Becoming an Amazon Associate needs several steps. The first step is creating your online presence, where you will promote the affiliate products. If you already have, follow the step-by-step guide to become an Amazon Associate.
Sign up for Amazon affiliate program
To register yourself as an Amazon associate, create an Amazon account. For that, go to the Amazon Associate page and click on the Sign-up to start the Amazon Associate registration process. If you already have an account, then just log in to the account.

Build your profile
In this part, you have to build your profile by providing relevant information about your affiliate marketing journey.

First, enter information for your new account, including the payee’s name, address, phone number, country, and other information.

Now, in the second part, you must provide the details of where you want to promote affiliate products. Enter your website URL, YouTube channel URL, blog, and mobile app where you advertise the products. If you promote the products on social media, provide the social media profile link. There is a limit, minimum, of 50 sites or apps you can enter here.

After that, in the profile section, you will be asked for your Associate Store ID. You can go with your brand name, it can be changed later, so don’t worry much about it.
Then you have to describe your website blog or other medium, and how you drive traffic into it. Now select a primary topic that your website is about and in the last there is a drop-down select from where you heard about Amazon Associate Program.
Once all is done, click on the Finish Button.

After completing with above things, now you will be taken to a page that shows your Amazon Associate ID. It will not be the same as you entered on the previous page. It will probably have a number or something else on it.

At the bottom of the page, you will get the option to enter your payment and tax information. Choose how you want to get paid, an option includes an Amazon gift card, direct deposit, or cheque.
Tax information is required to receive payment and complying tax regulations. Don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button when you’re done with that.

Congratulations on becoming an Amazon associate. Now it’s time to create affiliate links to promote it on your website.
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Create affiliate links
You can generate your affiliate links in two ways, The first is directly from the Amazon site with Amazon’s own link-generating tool Site Stripe.
However, you can create links with AzonPress – the best Amazon affiliate tool, that simplifies the process of creating and managing affiliate links directly from your WordPress dashboard. The plugin is designed to facilitate affiliate marketers to work flawlessly with the Amazon Associate program.
Here’s how it benefits affiliate marketers:
- Easy integration with Amazon
- Works without API
- Affiliate link management
- User-friendly interface
- Products tables
- Customizable layouts
- Automated product update
- Geo-targeting
- Automated bestseller list
- In-depth reports and analytics
- Shortcode support
- Responsive and mobile-friendly
Within the AzonPress dashboard, you can directly search products with keywords or ASIN numbers, and the plugin automatically fetches products from the Amazon site. Once you find your desired products, the plugin generates affiliate links automatically. AzonPress gives you full freedom to customize how the affiliate links will display and appear on your site.
Not just that, AzonPress lets you go beyond Amazon, it works with any affiliate platform even without API.
Promote the affiliate link
The stage is promoting the affiliate product links. There are multiple ways to promote your affiliate products, including a website, YouTube channel, or social media platform, you can choose any of them. Make sure your targeted platform has enough traffic because that helps to generate more sales.
Achieving success as an Amazon associate: Final insights
Achieving success as an Amazon associate, requires hard work, consistent efforts, and most importantly understanding the needs of your audience. As you start your journey as an Amazon associate, keep in mind the following things:
- Know your audience
- Create quality content
- Leverage SEO and social media
- Monitor and analyse the affiliate links
- Stay updated with Amazon policies
These insights may help you build a career as a successful affiliate marketer but remember that it may not happen in one night, so stay patient. Hope this guide will help you to get started. Good luck and best wishes.
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