With AzonPress, go beyond Amazon with Zero API. Get affiliate features such as smart widgets, product tables, comparisons, link management, and much more, all in one package.
with AzonPress
Make your affiliate campaign 164% faster with these
state-of-the-art WordPress affiliate features

Comparison Table
Give your visitors a better buying experience with a well-organized product comparison table. Add more characters by customizing the way you want it.

Custom Product with
Zero API
Expand your affiliate campaigns to any platform of your choice. Use the revolutionary Zero API feature to include products from everywhere.

Customizable Layout
AzonPress allows you to display products in different custom layouts. Create smart product tables with several customizable layouts. And get the most out of your affiliation.

Link Management
From automatic product description updates to ensuring privacy to super easy link insertion – uncover the ubercool magic of link cloaking with AzonPress.

Interactive UI
Freshly-forged all-new AzonPress user interface offers you advanced dashboard, interactive menu, and drag-&-drops for easy maneuverability.

Easy Gutenberg Widgets
Add product elements on the webpage right from the Gutenberg block editor. Any changes on the stores instantly get updated on your website too.
Get the tool that helps you make money, without making you pay extra
Single Site
1 Domain License
Upto 20 Domains
Unlimited Domains
Single Site
1 Domain License
Upto 20 Domains
Unlimited Domains
Make an informed decision by comparing AzonPress with other affiliate plugins
Don’t be in the puzzle before hitting the Buy button

affiliate revenue
Crazy Discount, Grab Now!
1 Domain License
20 Domain License
Unlimited Domain License
1 Domain License
20 Domain License
Unlimited Domain License
Manage links, create product tables, comparison tables, and skyrocket your affiliate revenue.
Manage links, create product tables, comparison tables, and increase your affiliate revenue